From Bee to Bottle, our Beloved Honeybees and Award Winning Honeys are tended with care.
Enjoy our Florida Seasonal Varietals, Infusions, and Creamed Honeys, all Raw & Unfiltered, & Pollen Retained.
We use Glass and PET (BPA Free) Plastic Packaging for all our Honey, accept for our HDPE Pour Gallon Jug. We are mindful of our impact/footprint on the environment, please reuse/recycle.
We use fresh Beeswax Cappings from our Seasonal Honey Harvest to render into beautiful Beeswax Bars and Blocks. Beeswax has been used to make candles, body care, household products, and culinary items like Chocolate all throughout documented History. Our Beeswax has a beautiful Golden Yellow color, and a light fragrance of Natural Honey.